Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Grant & Support Programs

Government Assistance for Farmers Experiencing Hardship

Market volatility and dry conditions can lead to challenging times for many dairy farmers. There are a number of Government programs available for farmers, families and staff.

Farm Household Allowance

The Farm Household Allowance provides up to three years of income support for farmers and their families experiencing financial hardship. Basic eligibility requirements include:

  • Be a farmer or the partner of a farmer
  • Meet an income and assets test
  • Be willing to undertake a Farm Financial Assessment
  • Be willing to enter into a Financial Improvement Agreement to help improve financial circumstances.

Eligible farmers and their partners will automatically be entitled to a Health Care Card. Other benefits such as Pharmaceutical Allowance and Rent Assistance may be available.

For more information or to check eligibility visit Farm Household Allowance - Department of Agriculture website or call the Farmer Assistance Hotline on 13 23 16.

Rural Financial Counselling Services

Rural financial counsellors are a free mobile workforce who come to farms. They can help farmers to identify financial and business options, including:

  • Help negotiate with lenders
  • Help develop an action plan
  • Support farmers in accessing the Farm Household Allowance
  • Provide information about government and other assistance schemes
  • Refer farmers to accountants, agricultural advisors and educational services
  • Refer farmers to the Department of Human Services and to professionals for succession planning, family mediation and personal, emotional and social counselling

For more information visit the Rural Financial Counselling Services website or call 1800 686 175.

Job Seeker Payment

The Job Seeker Payment is for people looking for work or participating in approved activities that may increase their chances of finding a job.

Basic eligibility requirements include:

  • Aged 22 years or older but under pension age
  • Looking for paid work
  • Prepared to meet the Mutual Obligation Requirements while looking for work
  • Meet an income and assets test

More information is available on the Job Seeker Payment website or by calling 132 850.

Available Government Assistance

Concessional loans, delivered by Rural Finance in Victoria, are available for farmers in drought-affected areas.

More information is available on the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program website or by calling 1800 260 425.

Visit the Regional Investment Corporation website for more information on drought loans.

The Rural Finance website has more information for people impacted by the 2019–20 Victorian bushfires.

Look Over the Farm Gate

Look Over the Farm Gate is a mental health and wellbeing initiative supporting rural and regional communities.

The initiative is comprised of two components:

  • Community education
  • The provision of grants to enable communities to hold events and social initiatives that aim to raise mental health awareness

For more information and to check the current availability of grants visit the Look Over the Farm Gate website, call 03 9207 5524 or email

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