Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Mastitis Workshops

There are a number of essential courses, workshops and discussion groups to assist farmers and advisors with preventing udder issues including mastitis and developing approaches to optimising milk quality . These are all run through Dairy Australia's regional teams.

Milking and Mastitis Management Training

Milking and Mastitis Management Training (formerly known as Cups On Cups Off) is one of Dairy Australia's most popular workshops. At these workshops, participants learn hands-on methods for preventing, detecting, treating and controlling mastitis in dairy herds. The course comprises of two sessions held over two days, both in the classroom and on farm, facilitated by a trained Countdown advisor. Attendees will walk away from the course with a sound understanding of how and why infections occur and priority areas to address on-farm to improve milk quality outcomes.

Contact your local regional team to register interest in the new Milking and Mastitis Management Workshop.

Dry-off discussion module

This discussion module helps dairy farmers to develop an effective dry-off strategy to prevent udder issues, particularly mastitis. The discussion covers the use of batch dry-off lists, selective dry cow therapy and making sound decisions on product choice.

Contact your local regional team to register interest.

Pre-milking teat preparation discussion module

A discussion group module has been developed to discuss the risks and potential benefits of implementing several options of pre-milking teat preparation.

Contact your local regional team to register interest.

Countdown MQ: Milk quality course for advisors

This course provides training for on-farm advisory personnel to investigate a range of common milk quality issues on Australian dairy farms and develop an appropriate approach to optimising milk quality.

Webinar - Mycoplasma biosecurity

This one-hour webinar provides information on protecting farms against serious diseases such as Mycoplasma infections and best practice in Mycoplasma biosecurity via.

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