GippsDairy is one of eight regional teams across Australia delivering research, development, education and extension programs to improve the profitability and sustainability of Gippsland’s dairy farms.
Since its inception in 1996, GippsDairy has used funding from Dairy Australia and other sources to deliver millions of dollars’ worth of projects to Gippsland’s dairy farmers.
GippsDairy vision
A vibrant and sustainable dairy industry that provides economic, social and environmental benefits to all participants and our wider community.
GippsDairy mission
Excelling in engagement and services that enhance the vibrancy and sustainability of the Gippsland dairy industry.
GippsDairy Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priority 1 Enable prosperous and resilient dairy businesses
1.1 Facilitate programs that enable improved profitability and resilience.
1.2 Manage the Our Farm Our Plan project with the aim that all farmers can articulate their farm business plan.
1.3 Manage a framework for vibrant and engaged discussion groups accessible to all farmers.
Strategic Priority 2 Improve the capability and capacity of our dairy people
2.1 Develop and promote dairy pathways and educational opportunities.
2.2 Develop our dairy people in a group learning environment
2.3 Develop our extension officers’ group facilitation skills
Strategic Priority 3 Foster a culture of leadership across the Gippsland dairy industry
3.1 Increase participation of new entrants and younger people across all industry activities.
3.2 Improve the understanding of what leadership is across the industry.
3.3 Cultivate stronger, positive relationships with key influential organisations.
Strategic Priority 4 Enhance the reputation of the Gippsland dairy industry
4.1 Support the initiatives that help farmers to
- Improve wellbeing of people
- Reduce environmental impact
- Provide best care for the animals
4.2 Celebrate farmers who have demonstrated excellent practices.