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International Market Briefs

Dairy Australia's International Market Briefs help stakeholders to stay informed of changing export conditions.

The briefs outline export conditions and access in Australia's key dairy export markets. These briefs are concise factsheets covering the latest developments and market conditions in important overseas markets.


China is Australia's largest market for dairy and continues to grow in value. Australia's reputation for quality and food safety remain important for Chinese consumers.

  • Market Brief China 2022

    PDF596.83 KB


Japan is a high-value, stable and mature market for dairy imports and remains one of Australia's most important export markets.

  • Market Brief Japan 2022

    PDF552.46 KB


Korea imports large volumes of cheese, whey and milk powders. As the Korean dairy industry generally produces packaged milk, there is strong demand for imported processed dairy products.

  • Market Brief Korea 2022

    PDF514.97 KB


Indonesia is Australia's nearest neighbour and has the world's fourth largest population. As a growing importer of dairy, Indonesia is becoming increasingly important for Australian exporters.

  • Market Brief Indonesia 2022

    PDF777.2 KB


Malaysia is an important market for exporters as demand for dairy has grown strongly over the past five years. A sugar tax on flavoured milks and other beverages has recently been introduced which is affecting exporters of these products.

  • Market Brief Malaysia 2022

    PDF587.26 KB


In the Philippines, a large proportion of the population lives below the poverty line which traditionally has created a small market for premium dairy products. However, as the economy expands, demand for dairy has increased.

  • Market Brief Philippines 2022

    PDF444.04 KB


Vietnam is one of South East Asia’s fastest growing economies, with demand for dairy increasing over the past five years. Dairy is widely considered to be nutritional and essential food but sells at a significant premium.

  • Market Brief Vietnam 2022

    PDF457.31 KB


Dairy consumption has grown strongly in Thailand over the past five years. Ultra heat treated milk remains the largest dairy segment and is usually sold in smaller pack sizes.

  • Market Brief Thailand 2022

    PDF446.2 KB


Singapore is a small and highly developed island entirely dependent on imports of dairy. It plays an important role as a port from where Australian dairy is re-exported to the rest of Asia.

  • Market Brief Singapore 2022

    PDF1.2 MB

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