Adapting Farm Systems
This project aims to provide dairy farmers with information and resources to make well-informed decisions when considering new feeding and housing systems.
Dairy Australia has made a number of significant investments in feedbase and nutrition research over the last couple of decades. The results of this work are regularly extended to farmers through various channels, including Dairy Australia's Regional Development Program (RDP) workshops, courses and discussion groups, commercial partners and co-investors such as state governments and university collaborators.
Dairy farming in Australia is unique, with major differences in farming systems and intensities within and between regions. As a result, Dairy Australia funded research projects provide valuable insights and information for the industry. Research is ongoing at a number of different locations around the country.
The following section includes a summary of some of the major R&D investments in feedbase and nutrition, both ongoing and completed. Each project includes a summary of key outcomes and links to more information.
This project aims to provide dairy farmers with information and resources to make well-informed decisions when considering new feeding and housing systems.
A joint initiative between Dairy Australia and the Queensland Government.