Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Supply Chain Investment

Dairy Australia invests across the supply chain to enhance the collective knowledge and capability of the Australian dairy industry.

The dairy value chain is highly interdependent.

  • For farmers to make profits, they need processors to buy their milk, process it and sell it
  • For processors to make profits, they need access to sustainable milk supplies
  • Farmers and processors need strong domestic and international markets, industry capability, innovation and community acceptance of their processes

As such, a key role for Dairy Australia is facilitating profitable partnerships and linkages across the supply chain and fostering collaboration across the industry.

Pre-farmgate investment

Approximately 80% of levy investment funds are directed toward on-farm related initiatives. Pre-farmgate investments include the key areas of:

  • Feedbase and animal nutrition
  • Genetics and animal improvements
  • Land, water and carbon
  • Health and fertility
  • Farm business management
  • People and capability
  • Regional extension services

Post-farmgate investment

A sustainable dairy industry needs safe production processes, access to high-value markets and recognition of the positive contribution of the dairy industry to human health and nutrition and to the community more broadly. Post-farmgate investments include the key areas of:

  • Trade and market access
  • Industry and community marketing
  • Industry risk and reputation management
  • Manufacturing innovation and sustainability
  • Knowledge and insights

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