Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Our Farm, Our Plan

Our Farm, Our Plan is designed to help dairy farmers set long term goals, improve business performance and manage risk.

The simple review and planning process with group workshops and one-on-one support for farmers, gets your ideas down on paper and into action. Whether it be growing your herd, investing in new equipment, building business management confidence, planning for succession or creating more time for yourself, Our Farm, Our Plan can help.

How to get involved

Participate in Our Farm, Our Plan group workshops available online nationally or through our regional teams (in-person). This includes one-on-one support from experienced professionals at regular intervals over two years.

For more information including regional workshops, call 1800 548 073.


Dairy farmers also have the choice of using a range of Our Farm, Our Plan resources. Get started with a self-assessment using the online Farm Fitness Checklist. Plan the future in three easy steps with the QuickPlan and commit and share with others the Plan on a Page. A free Our Farm, Our Plan folder can also be ordered online.

Farm Fitness Checklist

A self-assessment tool to measure where a dairy farm business is now and to identify improvement opportunities. The checklist prompts thinking and discussion about different aspects of the farm business.

  • Our Farm, Our Plan - Quickplan

    PDF694.87 KB
  • Our Farm, Our Plan - Plan on a Page

    PDF936.96 KB
  • Our Farm, Our Plan - Risk Register 

    PDF510.78 KB

Case studies

Have you got your game plan? Set your farming and personal goals with Our Farm, Our Plan.
Watch this video explaining the benefits of the Farm Fitness Checklist.
Watch this video on how to effectively use the QuickPlan workbook.

Contact us

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