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Fertility Focus Report

A Fertility Focus Report allows dairy farmers to confidently compare reproductive performance year to year with other herds and identify priorities for action.

Dairy farmers can access Fertility Focus Reports from their herd improvement centre, ReproRight Advisor, or via some herd management software packages.

Producing a report

Reports are generated from herd records already collected by dairy farmers' herd recording centre or advisor, or data farmers have entered on their computer using herd management software. At a minimum, it is recommended dairy farmers maintain records of calving dates, AI dates and early pregnancy testing records.

Even with very basic records, a useful analysis can be conducted. With more comprehensive records, an intermediate or detailed analysis can be conducted. Please see two examples below.

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Fertility Focus Report: split calving

An example report from a dairy farm with a split calving system from the 2009 Fertility Focus project.
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Fertility Focus Report: Year-round calving

An example report from a dairy farm with a year-round calving system from the 2009 Fertility Focus project.

Fertility Focus Report help

For help with Fertility Focus Reports, email incalf@dairyaustralia.com.au explaining which herd management program is being used to generate a report and attach the report to the email.

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