Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Managing in Wet Conditions

Floods can be unpredictable and destructive. Dairy Australia has a number of resources available to help dairy farmers prepare for and recover from floods.

The Preparing for floods fact sheet outlines things for farmers to think about ahead of time to minimise disruption to their business.

It is easy to become overwhelmed after a flood event. The headings and the table in the Recovering from floods fact sheet may help farmers put things in priority order.

When conditions get wet, the risk of mastitis and lameness can both increase. Dairy Australia's Mastitis control in wet conditions and Managing lameness in wet conditions fact sheets provide practical strategies to manage these risks when conditions are wet and muddy.

A flood can also affect power supply to the farm. Preparing for power outages helps farmers develop a contingency plan that will save time and keep the dairy operational during a power outage.

If the power does go out, the Milking through power outages fact sheet contains tips that will help minimise recovery efforts by keeping the farm working during a prolonged power disruption.

Fact Sheet

Floods - Impact Diary

Keeping an impact diary is an important part of the recovery process from any natural disaster as it substantiates any claims you may make for grant funding applications or assistance packages.
Issue and Emergencies
Fact Sheet

Floods - Nutrition during major environmental events

Major or catastrophic environmental (e.g. flooding, bushfire) events cause significant turmoil and upheaval to the nutritional management of dairy herds.
Issue and Emergencies
Fact Sheet

Recovering from flood factsheet

This factsheet helps with through recovering from a flood by highlighting key topics and tasks to consider and how to plan for them.
Issue and Emergencies
Farm Business
Feeding and Farm systems


  • Nutrition post major environmental events

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  • Buy right feed value varies in different feeds

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  • 3 Steps better feed buying decisions

    PDF57.9 KB
  • Mould and mycotoxin risks in feed

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  • Drinking water access and quality

    PDF207.58 KB
  • Buying feed direct

    PDF99.68 KB
  • Facts on alternative fibre sources

    PDF555.63 KB
  • Feed budgeting

    PDF90.11 KB
  • Flood impact on fodder

    PDF79.14 KB
  • Flood impact on grain

    PDF63.49 KB
  • Managing quality & supply risks buying feed

    PDF151.87 KB
  • A to Z of fibre sources

    PDF96.74 KB
  • Feed lab testing

    PDF141.92 KB
  • Designing balanced milker diets

    PDF315.89 KB
  • What can you afford to pay

    PDF99.26 KB
  • Assessing your risk of acidosis

    PDF209.48 KB
  • Herd culling decisions

    PDF105.13 KB
  • Managing water-damaged fodder

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  • Feed contracts

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  • Ruminal acidosis risk assessment

    PDF74.75 KB
Laneway Design

Good laneways are key to keeping cows feet in good conditions. This video walks through the key features of good laneway design and how to maintain your laneways.

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