Have you been affected by the floods? Resources available.
Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information


Whether you are exploring new markets, navigating changing conditions in established markets, or just starting out as an exporter, you'll find useful resources here. See our market specific briefs for the latest in each market, our dairy tariff comparison guides to check out which markets have the lowest tariffs for your product, or browse general market information to assist in making the best export decisions for your business.

General Market knowledge

Browse up to date resources for trends and statistics on the Australian dairy industry.

  • Situation and Outlook (S&O) - Dairy Australia's Situation and Outlook is the Australian dairy industry's go-to source for the latest international and domestic market trends, statistics and facts, providing expert analysis and unbiased insights.
  • In focus provides a snapshot of Australia's role in the global dairy industry, based on statistics for the previous financial year. Dairy Australia has a key industry role in being able to quantify the flow of milk across Australia
  • Dairy export statistics - Dairy Australia's monthly export reports provide data on key Australian dairy exports.

Exporter guides

Comprehensive guides for all levels of exporters can be found at these websites.

Insights by market

Looking at a specific market? Check out these international market briefs with the latest on statistics on export growth, policy updates, and other market conditions and insights to help you make informed business decisions.

Market access and trade policy

Bringing together dairy specific tariff information for all our key export markets.

  • Market access and trade policy - Find out what Dairy Australia does in the market access and trade policy space and read more about Australia's free trade agreements.
  • Dairy tariff guides - Find the latest updates on import tariffs, quotas and safeguards for key export markets.


Need some help telling the Australian Dairy story in market? Check out our collection of resources across multiple languages.

Australian Dairy Discovery Recipe Book: Check out this beautiful collection of stunning recipes using Australian dairy.

Australian Dairy Discovery Recipe

  • Australian Dairy Discovery Recipe - English

    PDF5.64 MB
  • Australian Dairy Discovery Recipe - Chinese

    PDF3.25 MB
  • Australian Dairy Discovery Recipe - Japanese

    PDF3.17 MB

Cheese book: Discover new Australian cheeses and how to use them in this handy guide book.

Cheese please guide

  • Cheese please guide - English

    PDF3.99 MB
  • Cheese please guide - Chinese

    PDF4.53 MB
  • Cheese please guide - Japanese

    PDF2.78 MB

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