Have you been affected by the floods? Resources available.
Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Exports & Trade

Assessing new export opportunities and navigating changing market conditions requires access to detailed market insights. Useful market data and analysis, as well as information on applicable tariffs which influence export decisions, are all available in this section. 

Dairy Australia builds and supports the industry's position as an exporter of safe, high-quality dairy products around the world. Engagement programs are run in key export markets as well as reputation-enhancing inbound programs for China, Japan and the South East Asia region.

International Market Overview

Australian milk exports and key international markets for Australian dairy products by value and by volume. Greater China accounts for 30% of Australian dairy exports by volume.

International Market Briefs

Dairy Australia publishes a range of International Market Briefs outline export conditions and access in Australia's key dairy export markets.

Export Statistics

Dairy Australia's monthly export reports provide data on key Australian dairy exports including butter, cheese, milk and whey products.

Dairy Tariffs

Information about dairy product import tariffs for the key Australian export destinations.

Japanese Positive List

The Positive List of Maximum Residue Limits for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals is implemented under the Japanese Food Sanitation Law.

The Japanese Ministry of Heath, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) revised the Food Sanitation Law by developing a Positive List of Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) for Agricultural and Veterinary chemicals which came into effect on 29 May 2006. By establishing a system to prohibit the distribution of foods that contain chemical residues over a certain level, the food law amendment provides a substantive measure to protect public health.

The Australian dairy industry is subject to a range of government and industry control measures that apply across the supply chain, to ensure that Australian dairy products maintain their deserved high reputation as safe and wholesome. A positive list system has operated in Australia for many years and the Australian dairy industry has consistently demonstrated compliance.

The following documents:

  • Provide an analysis of the Japanese Positive List by describing the registration status, permitted uses, controls and residue monitoring (if applicable) in Australia for each of the chemicals on the Positive List; and
  • Describe the national residue control systems in Australia that apply to the manufacture of dairy products.


  • National residue control systems for australian milk 2012

    PDF561.54 KB
  • Positive list max residue limits ag vets chemicals japan 2016

    PDF2.19 MB

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