Have you been affected by the floods? Resources available.
Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Dairy Manufacturers Sustainability Council

The Dairy Manufacturers Sustainability Council (DMSC) is a nationally-recognised community of practice comprised primarily of environmental and sustainability group managers from Australian dairy manufacturing companies.

Established in 1995, the DMSC has an industry-wide focus that assists Company Members to improve environmental compliance and the sustainability of their operations.

This is achieved by:

  • Monitoring and supporting individual and collective Company Member progress against industry targets for environmental sustainability.
  • Publicly reporting on collective outcomes.
  • Enabling knowledge-sharing on best practice.
  • Connecting members with pre-screened technologies and project funding opportunities to accelerate technology transfer.
  • Drawing upon a collective voice and the support of Dairy Australia to respond to industry issues.

Companies or organisations with an interest in supporting the DMSC members to achieve their sustainability goals can also apply for Associate Membership.

For more information please contact:

Ian Olmstead
Program Manager - Manufacturing Innovation and Sustainability
Email: manufacturers@dairyaustralia.com.au
Phone: 03 9694 3811

  • DMSC Initiative Overview

    PDF1.69 MB
  • DMSC Application Form

    DOCX80.72 KB

Sustainable Packaging Roadmap

Executive Summary and Full Report
Farm Business
Manufacturing resources

Manufacturing Sustainability

The Australian dairy industry Sustainability Framework outlines it's commitments to provide nutritious food for a healthier world.

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